Plyometric Exercises

Plyometric Training Examples

Plyometrics is indeed a highly efficient type of strength exercise that is used to increase athletic efficiency significantly. Plyometric movements that athletes use to attain optimum athletic conditions manipulate muscle elasticity and power by improving the velocity and frequency of contractions. This enables plyometric training to generate rapid and substantial motions with explosive strength for a range of sports.

Plyometric Exercises for Athletes

Following is the starter guide to plyometrics which includes plyometric training examples. A proper plyometric training program is suggested below:

  • Push-Ups for Plyometrics

Perform a standard push-up, but use enough energy when you push up, so both hands depart the floor, and you can quickly clap them with each other before landing. Drop to your knees, then practice pressing back from a clap before shifting to your toes to make things smoother.

  • Squat Thruster

Jump your foot forward into a wide squat and lift your hands off the surface, either in prayer posture or in front of your face, from a strong plank position. When in the low squat, keep your back straight, head down, and chest up. After a brief pause, put your hands on the floor and hop your foot back into a high plank stance. Repeat as soon as you can.

  • Plyo Lateral Lunge

Stand with your feet together and your arms by your backs. Brace your heart, send your hips out, and take a jump to the right on your right foot, leaning your right knee while holding your left leg steady when you move into a low lunge. To help preserve equilibrium, holding your arms straight next to one of you or in a praying stance when making the low lunge.


  • Knee-Up Reverse Lunge

Move your right foot down into a low reverse lunge, leaving your feet hip-width apart. Switch your weight towards your left foot, engage your glutes, and brace your heart. Bring your right foot forward while immediately falling from your left foot, raising your right knee to your face. Repeat by falling gently on the left foot and quickly stepping up into a low lunge.

  • Box Drill

Jump over an imaginary box to fire up your calves. Begin by standing on your right foot with your knee slightly bent. Jump to the right, landing on just your right foot, leaving your arms relaxed at your sides to assist with equilibrium. Jump to the left, up, and back when remaining on the same knee. Turn legs to head in the same direction. Concentrate on short, tiny hops. Make things faster by doing the movement on both feet and concentrating on increasing momentum when you leap in line.